Co-Founding Community Hub

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🚀 Join us in shaping Workfree! As part of the Co-Founding Community, your input matters. Let's welcome more amazing freelancers onboard. Don't forget to tag @workfree and share your referral link to track your referrals. Together, we're building something special

I am a member of Workfree’s unique Co-Founding Community 👊🎉

Workfree allows companies to build curated private talent pools of trusted freelancers to hire on-demand. Remove messy spreadsheets and centralise your contractor workforce within Workfree.

Workfree is reserving & awarding 25%+ of their company to the community. They believe that freelancers deserve more. 🚀

With Workfree end-users have a say in the future of the company they contribute to. Being part of our Co-Founding Community means you'll have the chance to influence decisions on our product, go-to-market, and even culture. 📢

Workfree is a platform built, used and owned by its community. It changes the game by offering commission free hiring for talent and companies. 👊

Workfree is a community built, used, and owned platform, boasting zero % commission for both talent & companies. 🎉

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